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When it comes to flowers, no element can give a perfect competition to it while making perfumes. And when it comes to flowers, there are millions of nature’s amazing creations. Starting from rose to orange blossoms, every element can give you a mind-blowing fragrance experience for the day. Among all other flowers, Violet is surely an underrated flower that is widely used in perfumes. If you lived in American countries, probably you are known to this. Violet is a surprising gift of mother nature. Let’s know more about it.

Since When Violet was Being Used as an Element?

If you ask for the date, no one can tell you for sure. But there is a very interesting thought behind introducing it to the perfume world. The story is about the petals of violet, not regarding the flowers. For those who have encountered violet blossoms, it has a significant smell. However, there was a firm in North America where violet was once cultivated. At the dawn, violet gives birth to new blossoms. But the workers of the firm were surprised when they were unable to find a single blossom on the tree even though the violet smell was around the air. And the smell was quite good compared to regular Violet flowers. 

That day, they discovered that the petals of the violet can be used as a source of Fragrances. You can say that was the beginning since when petals of violet are being used more than flowers.

Violet Perfume

How Violet is Being Used to Make Perfume?

If you don’t know, the smell, you can feel, is a fat extract of the tree full of ketone isomers. At the end tip of the flower and petals, the fat elements are stored. It is called enfleurage. When petals and leaves are being extracted then these fat elements are being released. Those are stored on glass plates. When the glass plate gets filled then steam distillation is being done in this solution. Thus alcohol and other elements get out from the solution and pure fragrance oil is being collected. Then it is used in the perfume formation. There is another method by which to run someone chemicals, you can remove the nonaromatic allergens from the flowers and leaves while these are on the tree. Then you collect the raw extraction.

Now, what’s the purpose of mentioning the methods? Because there are no components that can affect your body indirectly. More importantly, it is a fully natural gift, no chemical is being added. The chemicals added to remove the junk substance only. So, having violet on the element list of your Fragrance is a blessing.


Violet drops can give your guests a good image. People will love to be with you, will love the mesmerizing aura you have due to an amazing violet smell. Whenever you are buying a perfume for grooming purposes mainly, never forget to check the word ‘Violet’ in the list. We hope you’ll soon realize how effective it is and will give a bow down to mother nature.